Dates: December 14-18, 2015
Location: Jaglom Auditorium, Senate Building or Wolfson Building at Tel Aviv Univesity (for more details see the information letter).
The workshop will be focused on Big Data Astronomy (i.e., data driven science, massive surveys, astro-informatics), and will hopefully generate a prolific exchange of ideas, and seed new collaborations.
Sessions will include short informal talks and extensive time for discussion.
Participation is by invitation only. If you have been invited please register HERE
As the number of participants is limited, if you have not received an invitation and are interested in attending, please contact us at
The organizing committee:
Dovi Poznanski, Dan Maoz, Tsevi Mazeh, Shay Zucker
Supported by the I-CORE, Program of the Planning and Budgeting Committee and The Israel Science Foundation (no. 1829/12); by the European Community’s Seventh Framework Program (FP7/2007-2013) under the ERC grant-agreement number 291352 and by the Raymond and Beverly Sackler Tel Aviv University - Harvard/ITC Astronomy Program